Our Obedience Beagles
When I was in my teens and had my 1st show beagle, I trained her for Novice and Open obedience. She got her CD degree but never got her CDX, because she didn't like me to go out of her sight for the long sit and long down. I left for college and never finished the training. At the time there were only two of us training beagles in the Los Angeles area, most people felt that they were too hard to train. Boots' highest score in Novice was 199 1/2 points out of 200 points; she sat crooked one time.
In Memory of Validay Bounty Boots CD "Boots" |
There are many people training beagles today. Many trainers have been challenged to train beagles instead of complaining how hard they are to train. The trainers have found that they are not hard to train. One of the main characteristics of the beagle is that they are smart enough to out smart you. Remember that they would rather chase lizards than come unless the reward is greater to come. All dogs make better family pets if they fit into the family structure. Obedience classes can help. |
In Memory of Flash-Back Bob CD, RA "Bob" |
In Memory of